Freelance FS7 Camera Owner / Operator
Im a Freelance FS7 Camera Owner/Operator will full range of lighting, grip and sound equipment. I have owned the FS7 for the last couple of years and it’s turned out to be an amazing camera which has travelled with me all over the world. My first choice lenses for the FS7 are the Canon CN E Primes for interviews and high end work and the Canon CN7 (17-120) for run and gun style work.
Basic FS7 Kit
- Sony FS7
- 4 X Batteries
- 2 X 128GB XQD Cards & Reader
- 18-110 Kit Lens
- 35, 50 & 85mm Canon Prime Lenses
- Sachtler Video 18 Tripod
- 1 X Shotgun Mic
- 2 X Lapel Mic’s
- 2 X Radio Mic’s
- 3 X Bi Colour LED Panels
- 3 X 150W Dedo Lights
- 1 X Bi Colour Toplight
Advanced FS7 Kit
- Sony FS7
- 4 X Batteries
- 2 X 128GB XQD Cards & Reader
- Canon CN7 4K Cinema Zoom
- Canon 4K CNE Cine Primes (14,24,35,50,85&135)
- Sachtler Video 18 Tripod
- 1 X Shotgun Mic
- 2 X Lapel Mic’s
- 2 X Radio Mic’s
- 3 X Bi Colour LED Panels
- 3 X 150W Dedo Lights
- 2 X Kino Flow Selects & Softboxes
- 1 X Diva Light & Softbox
- 1 X Aputure Light Dome
- 1 X Bi Colour Toplight
- 5″ On Camera Monitor
- 7″ Directors Monitor
FS7 Setup with Canon 50mm Cine Prime
Shot on Sony FS7 with Canon 50mm Cine Prime
Shot on Sony FS7 with 85mm Canon Cine Prime
FS7 Setup with Canon Tilt Shift